Blessed to be here.

Hello Hello! My name is Michelle Thornton.

I am an Intuitive Reader, Youtube Manifesting Coach, Spiritual Awakening Mentor, Mindfulness Teacher, Anxiety Management Coach and most importantly, a lover of HEARTS. Why hearts you might ask? Here’s why…

I suffered the loss of my 6 week old daughter, Micah Dylan, back in 2012. She has been my guiding light. The day she passed, I woke up. I started living life differently.

I started eating better.

I started meditating.

I started journaling.

I started moving my body with a different intention.

I started to BECOME AWARE.

I discovered my gifts.

I started to LOVE myself.

I unfolded into the BEAUTIFUL SOUL I came here meant to be.

I found my purpose.

I found my way BACK HOME to my heart.

Meet Micah Girl

Micah brought me my connection to the Universe/God/Love/Grace/ The Divine. She did this by sending me hearts wherever I went. These hearts gave me such a surge of energy and allowed me to feel the most profound sense of love. It was something I had never felt before. I felt like Micah was with me but how could that be possible? I couldn’t explain the feeling. I later discovered through reading spiritual texts that this deep sense of connection was UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

As I continued learning and growing I also discovered that this type of love is accessible to all of us. It’s our truest nature. We don’t have to lose someone to feel it. WE ARE IT. We are LOVE. Micah and her hearts essentially brought me home. They showed me the Magic of the Universe and how it works through us.

The hearts reminded me that there was something out there protecting me and guiding me. This profound sense of comfort changed my life. I was DIFFERENT.

Due to this experience, it became my mission to help others believe in the magic of the Universe. I wanted everyone to feel this sense of comfort and JOY. And what do ya know?? My Micah girl started to help me with this mission. She became my partner in crime. She started sending hearts to so many wonderful people. She was helping me teach them about our Connection to the Divine Universe.

How stinkin MAGICAL is that?

Sometimes I have to pinch myself because our story is so beautiful and I can’t believe I get to be the girl who shares this mission with her.

Because of Micah, I also learned how to successfully navigate through grief, anxiety, depression and the UNKNOWN.

I feel SOOOOO called to help others now. Maybe this is why you’ve found me? Maybe I am supposed to help YOU.

Micah brought me my mission. Our mission. I turned my pain into our purpose.

You can too.

OUR MISSION is to help as many people as we can to find true ABUNDANCE in Love, Joy, Peace and Happiness.

We want to help you understand why certain things happen in your life. We want to help you see things differently so you can FORGIVE it all and BE FREE. We also want to help you unleash the Beautiful Creator that is within you.

You came here with a gift inside of you.


The World wants what you have.

Let’s get you in alignment so you can fulfill that mission.