
You’re here.

I was born to teach you how to DANCE WITH THE UNIVERSE! So get dolled up, we’re CREATING a whole new reality together, sprinkling MAGIC everywhere we go! Let’s DANCE.

Time to get scrollin to see why the “U” brought YOU here.

Michelle Thornton

An Inspiring, Kind, Loving, Motivating Healer

Life Path Mentor Relationship Guide

Spiritual Teacher on Youtube Psychic Medium

Lifestyle Coach Manifesting Coach

Intuitive Reader Reiki Practitioner

Motivational Speaker Meditation Teacher

Client Review- Kelly RN

Michelle has changed my life. I had already been manifesting for 2 years but as a very burnt-out nurse and mother with a traumatic history, I was still feeling “stuck” in several areas of my life, and my physical health was poor. I found her randomly one day on YouTube in April 2023. I started listening to her videos daily, while driving to work, and sometimes a second time later the same day.

I went back and listened to all her old videos as well. Her energy is intoxicating. Her life story is inspirational. Her easy methods work. I love the signs and synchronicities videos too – they are just so fun! I have manifested so many things over the past year – but more importantly, I FEEL better. She has helped me discover celery juice, fascia work, castor oil, and more. My body does not ache anymore, and I have this “glow” about me that everyone comments on all the time.

I did a Zoom session with her and she connected with my guides and it was amazing! I finally started my business a few weeks later, have clients already lining up, and I have finally ended a very toxic relationship after years of trying to get out. Just this week alone, I manifested a very large loan consolidation that I “should not have gotten” (low credit score) and this has given me such peace of mind and lower monthly payments. I also have a new friend who seems like a long-lost soul mate, and a beautiful dog came into my life today!

My children seem so much happier and are thriving now, as a result of Mom’s stability, I am sure. My life feels magical and exciting, and my future is so very bright! I cannot recommend Michelle enough. She will change the entire trajectory of your life and help make all your dreams come true!


Work with me


“My life feels magical and exciting, and my future is so very bright! I cannot recommend Michelle enough. She will change the entire trajectory of your life and help make all your dreams come true!”

Intuitive Reading Client- Kelly 444



I have a YOUTUBE channel filled with thousands of videos that will TRANSFORM your reality and help you AWAKEN TO YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL while also understanding SIGNS, ANGEL NUMBERS, SYNCHROS and so much more! Get your hiney over there and SUBSCRIBE already.


I have been on a spiritual journey of addressing childhood trauma and connecting to my soul for years now. But it felt somewhat isolating on my own. I believe wholeheartedly the universe put Michelle in my path, very early on,  to be open to new perspectives and create a new life path of soul connected options. You helped me become clear on what my next steps should be. 

The suggestions you made regarding how to view my trials and tribulations, that inevitably happen in life, were key to my success. Your readings, reiki and coaching calls helped me to become clear on what I felt was authentic to me.

Working with you has been transformational. I now have a clearer understanding of who I am and what I want in life. Your guidance helped me unlock parts of myself I didn't know existed.

I am now living my best life, connected to my soul, believing in the Universe and trusting my intuition. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Michelle 💖.”

My mission is to be the highest version of myself and to allow the Universe to USE ME FOR GOOD! I want the same for you as well. That is why I am here. I want to be a FUN, energetic, gentle, invigorating guide FOR YOU. I would love to assist you on your Awakening Journey. You have this deep well of MAGIC inside of you that maybe you don’t even know exists. Let’s uncover the most authentic version of yourself and help you SHARE it with the world. WE need you! You DID NOT come here to suffer. You came here to learn the true meaning of life… PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for self and others THROUGH our highest expressions. Let’s UNLEASH THE CREATOR WITHIN YOU…RAWWWWWRRRRRRR!

Hello Hello You Beautiful Soul!

My name is…

Michelle Thornton


Michelle’s Clients Spill The Tea in the BEST WAY…

Mentorship Client Kate says…

“ I initially found Michelle through YouTube and her positive, inspirational videos. I loved her energy and messages, and I felt like a "friend from afar" given that I've had similar types of life experiences but don't always have someone to talk to about them or even relate. I signed up for her mentorship at a point when I felt incredibly stuck and beaten down by the journey. I knew that I had to make some changes, and I was struggling doing it on my own without any kind of feedback or external guidance. Meeting with Michelle every week gave me a space where I could talk about some of my struggles and receive wise, loving feedback on what I could change or try differently.  It truly helped! With Michelle's help, I was able to make some changes, based on my internal guidance and the signs I was getting. That alone was worth its weight in gold! It was also nice to have someone who was able to listen to my story without judgement and help me to feel heard :)

Youtube Subscriber & Manifesting Coaching Client,

Hollis Citron says…

“I wake up to Michelle Thornton. Don’t mean to sound weird but she is the first video I turn on to start the good day off with a good vibe. She is authentic, honest with her stories and is very insightful and intuitive. It is incredible to see her journey and her light that she shines on all of her viewers and those around her. Michelle’s variety of modalities from card readings to reiki offer her clients so much support to truly heal and manifest all of the possibilities. Thank you Michelle for all that you do and cannot wait to learn and work with you more in the future.

P.S. Her smile is infectious”

Youtube Subscriber & Manifesting Coaching Client,

Disha says…

“I found Michelle during one of the most challenging and confusing times of my life. I was going through so many changes both in my physical reality as well as spiritually but Michelle held my hand and helped me navigate this time with so much love and kindness. She helped me understand what I was going through and created a manifestation plan for me. She also shared so many useful tips to keep my anxiety in check and signs to look out for before my manifestation arrives. In the end it all worked out well and I was able to manifest not only financial abundance (100k) but several positive shifts in my physical reality. Michelle is one of a kind and truly gifted and I am honored to call her my mentor. I can't recommend her enough.”

Peep my insta…I have the best INSTAFAM


You’ve been guided here…

I am so happy you FOUND ME.

I always say, “The people that need me, FIND ME.”

Well, you made it.



We are beyond blessed to be here basking as DIVINE expressions of it. This is just a small note to say that you are LOVE and you are worthy of anything you desire.

PLEASE!!!! Let me be the ONE to always remind you of that. XO




AKA my life prior to my spiritual awakening in 2018… LOL… I was a Health/Fitness teacher for 17 years. Over those years I was blessed with the opportunity to really leave a mark on our future. I have such a love and passion for kids. As an intuitive, I could always feel into what they needed. They were incredible teachers for me as well. I taught mostly teenagers but in my last few years I mixed in some 6-8th graders. I taught them how to meditate, manage anxiety, how to properly fuel their bodies and move them. It was basically a kick a$$ LIFE COACHING class for teens.

Those meditation classes changed me. They showed me another side of myself. After that experience the Universe brought me one of the BIGGEST MANIFESTATIONS of my life. I was asked by a large, successful company to create 2 Mindfulness Programs to be sold all over the U.S. and Canada. I had no idea how to edit or film but YOUR GIRL SAID YES ANYWAY and decided she’d figure it out later.

After a lot of fear and a lot of JOY, I finished both programs. I HAD DISCOVERED A NEW MISSION. Teaching on camera!

60 Videos, 30 minutes each where I am teaching 2nd-12th graders how to Meditate, Journal, Move AND let’s not forget the 60 days of NEW EARTH CURRICULUM all based on Energy, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, The Laws of the Universe, Manifestation and SO MUCH MORE. I channeled every single episode of that program. I didn’t script out one lesson. I knew the topic and the rest just flowed out of me. A new gift that I didn’t know I had.

I AM SO HONORED to share that the Universe took my programs and brought them to 500+ schools all over the U.S. and Canada. My dream came true. I had been manifesting reaching more kids with my lessons and it happened. I wrote that in my journal back in 2016. I wanted to quit my job and REACH MORE!

If God had this magical plan for me, I WONDER WHAT HE HAS FOR YOU!!!




Mindfulness Programs for the Sweet Souls of Our Future…

“Your every hope, Your every wish,

Your every dream, is meant to become


-My sweet mentor “Midge”